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- Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)
- Call For Papers: Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2012)
- Call For Papers: International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (Complex Networks 2012)
- Call For Papers: SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2012)
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Tag Archives: Informal learning
Call For Papers: The first international conference on Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion (LLL Comp 2011)Call For Papers: The first international conference on Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion (LLL Comp 2011)
Welcome to the first international conference on Lifelong learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion. This conference aims to address the issue of using learning as a tool to increase the competitiveness of organisations worldwide and improve the employability of … Continue reading
Posted in Conferences
Tagged 2011, Computer Support for Intelligent Tutoring, Conference, CSCL, eLearning, Groups, Informal learning, Learning in networks, Lifelong learning
Comments Off on Call For Papers: The first international conference on Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion (LLL Comp 2011)Call For Papers: The first international conference on Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness, Employability and Social Inclusion (LLL Comp 2011)