Special Issue on Infrastructures for Online Social Networking Services (May/June 2012)
Final submissions due 1 September 2011
Please email the guest editors a brief description of the article you plan to submit by 15 August 2011
Guest Editors: Anwitaman Datta, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Seif Haridi, and Liviu Iftode (ic3_2012[at]computer[dot]org)
The proliferation of rich social media, online communities, and collectively
produced knowledge resources has accelerated the convergence of
technological and social networks, resulting in a dynamic ecosystem of
online social networking (OSN) services, environments, and applications. OSN
sites success is reshaping the Internet’s structure, design, and utility.
Furthermore, it’s creating numerous challenges and opportunities for the
development, deployment, management, and operation of scalable, secure,
interoperable OSN infrastructures that can sustain a cycle of innovative
application development, improved end-user experience, high-quality service
provision, privacy protection, and a healthy market expansion.
This special issue seeks recent research results in systems, software, and
services that provide novel ubiquitous, scalable, secure, and trustworthy
OSN infrastructures. Topics of interest include
* architectures, algorithms, and protocols for scalable and trustworthy OSN infrastructures;
* infrastructure support for security, privacy, and personalization;
* software platforms for social-networking-centric applications and services;
* storage systems and data management issues;
* infrastructures for mining OSN data and social interactions;
* infrastructures for measuring and monitoring social networks and activities;
* OSN infrastructures for mobile devices, vehicular networks, and location-based services;
* innovative social-networking-centric applications and services; and
* adaptivity and self-management in OSN infrastructures and services.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be original manuscripts of fewer than 5,000 words,
focused on Internet technologies and implementations. All manuscripts are
subject to peer review on both technical merit and relevance to IC’s
international readership primarily system and software design engineers.
We do not accept white papers, and we discourage strictly theoretical or
mathematical papers. To submit a manuscript, please log on to ScholarOne
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com:443/ic-cs) to create or access an account,
which you can use to log on to IC’s Author Center and upload your
submission.Special Issue on Infrastructures for Online Social Networking Services (May/June 2012)
Final submissions due 1 September 2011
Please email the guest editors a brief description of the article you plan to submit by 15 August 2011
Guest Editors: Anwitaman Datta, Marios D. Dikaiakos, Seif Haridi, and Liviu Iftode (ic3_2012[at]computer[dot]org)
The proliferation of rich social media, online communities, and collectively
produced knowledge resources has accelerated the convergence of
technological and social networks, resulting in a dynamic ecosystem of
online social networking (OSN) services, environments, and applications. OSN
sites success is reshaping the Internet’s structure, design, and utility.
Furthermore, it’s creating numerous challenges and opportunities for the
development, deployment, management, and operation of scalable, secure,
interoperable OSN infrastructures that can sustain a cycle of innovative
application development, improved end-user experience, high-quality service
provision, privacy protection, and a healthy market expansion.
This special issue seeks recent research results in systems, software, and
services that provide novel ubiquitous, scalable, secure, and trustworthy
OSN infrastructures. Topics of interest include
* architectures, algorithms, and protocols for scalable and trustworthy OSN infrastructures;
* infrastructure support for security, privacy, and personalization;
* software platforms for social-networking-centric applications and services;
* storage systems and data management issues;
* infrastructures for mining OSN data and social interactions;
* infrastructures for measuring and monitoring social networks and activities;
* OSN infrastructures for mobile devices, vehicular networks, and location-based services;
* innovative social-networking-centric applications and services; and
* adaptivity and self-management in OSN infrastructures and services.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be original manuscripts of fewer than 5,000 words,
focused on Internet technologies and implementations. All manuscripts are
subject to peer review on both technical merit and relevance to IC’s
international readership primarily system and software design engineers.
We do not accept white papers, and we discourage strictly theoretical or
mathematical papers. To submit a manuscript, please log on to ScholarOne
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com:443/ic-cs) to create or access an account,
which you can use to log on to IC’s Author Center and upload your