Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)Call for Papers: Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks (ESN 2012)

Call for Papers of the Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks – ESN 2012

Under the framework of the 4th International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2012), 21-23 November 2012 in São Carlos, Brazil


In recent years, research in area of social network analysis grows rapidly, mainly thanks to the prevalence of the large-scale social network systems. These social network systems can be characterized by complex network structures and extensive content. Social network analysis can be applied to static or dynamic types of problems. The current research is mainly focused on analysis of topological properties and dynamic properties corresponding to evolution of networks and communities. Contextual information can help in analyzing these properties.

Social network data comes mainly from many on-line services. The huge quantity of data can be consisting of millions of vertices and edges. Given the scale, complexity and dynamics, the traditional methods of social network analysis cannot be easily used. It becomes crucial for researchers to understand the dynamics of these networks. It is important to predict the next evolution and analyze trends in the network. Other current directions of research are detection of communities and analysis of community evolution in large social networks, content (topic) evolution, information diffusion in social networks, etc.

Specific topics of interest

To address the aforementioned aspects of evolution of social networks, the preferred topics for this special session are (but not limited to):

• Community detection and evolution

• Role detection and evolution in social networks

• Content evolution and Information diffusion in social networks

• Trend prediction in social networks

• Anomaly detection in social network evolution

• Mining dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks

• Mining of user behavior patterns in social networks

• Analysis of co-authorship and citation networks and evolution of research topics

• Evolution in collaborative environments, wikis, e-learning systems, …

• Case studies and applications from the area of social network dynamics and evolution

• Social network data pre-processing

• Evaluation techniques and benchmarks


Special Session paper submission will be done through CASoN 2012 submission system and been evaluated with the same standard as the regular conference paper. All accepted papers will be included in the CASoN 2012 conference proceedings.

Papers must be submitted within the stipulated time and electronic submission in PDF is required. A full paper (6 pages, A4 size) for oral presentation should in the IEEE 8.5 two-column format. Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.

Details are available at the and special session website Submit your paper at the

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Aug 15, 2012

Notification Due: Sep 15, 2012

Final Version Due: Sep 30, 2012

Program Chair

Vaclav Snášel, Department of Computer Science, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava,

Miloš Kudělka, Department of Computer Science, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava,

Session Coordinators

Miloš Kudělka,

Eliška Ochodková,
Call for Papers of the Special Session on Evolution of Social Networks – ESN 2012

Under the framework of the 4th International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN 2012), 21-23 November 2012 in São Carlos, Brazil


In recent years, research in area of social network analysis grows rapidly, mainly thanks to the prevalence of the large-scale social network systems. These social network systems can be characterized by complex network structures and extensive content. Social network analysis can be applied to static or dynamic types of problems. The current research is mainly focused on analysis of topological properties and dynamic properties corresponding to evolution of networks and communities. Contextual information can help in analyzing these properties.

Social network data comes mainly from many on-line services. The huge quantity of data can be consisting of millions of vertices and edges. Given the scale, complexity and dynamics, the traditional methods of social network analysis cannot be easily used. It becomes crucial for researchers to understand the dynamics of these networks. It is important to predict the next evolution and analyze trends in the network. Other current directions of research are detection of communities and analysis of community evolution in large social networks, content (topic) evolution, information diffusion in social networks, etc.

Specific topics of interest

To address the aforementioned aspects of evolution of social networks, the preferred topics for this special session are (but not limited to):

• Community detection and evolution

• Role detection and evolution in social networks

• Content evolution and Information diffusion in social networks

• Trend prediction in social networks

• Anomaly detection in social network evolution

• Mining dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks

• Mining of user behavior patterns in social networks

• Analysis of co-authorship and citation networks and evolution of research topics

• Evolution in collaborative environments, wikis, e-learning systems, …

• Case studies and applications from the area of social network dynamics and evolution

• Social network data pre-processing

• Evaluation techniques and benchmarks


Special Session paper submission will be done through CASoN 2012 submission system and been evaluated with the same standard as the regular conference paper. All accepted papers will be included in the CASoN 2012 conference proceedings.

Papers must be submitted within the stipulated time and electronic submission in PDF is required. A full paper (6 pages, A4 size) for oral presentation should in the IEEE 8.5 two-column format. Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.

Details are available at the and special session website Submit your paper at the

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Aug 15, 2012

Notification Due: Sep 15, 2012

Final Version Due: Sep 30, 2012

Program Chair

Vaclav Snášel, Department of Computer Science, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava,

Miloš Kudělka, Department of Computer Science, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava,

Session Coordinators

Miloš Kudělka,

Eliška Ochodková,

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